How to sell more using web push notification?

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How to sell more using web push notification?

How to sell more using web push notification? 1290 853 iWEBAPP Web Design Ottawa
How to sell more using web push

Knowing that the web push allows immediate information without the need for personal data, a field of possibilities opens up. In that sense, many people wonder how to sell more using web push. Just read this full article to find out how!

Web push notifications can be used in browsers and are commonly used by websites and news portals. Therefore, this type of notification sends small messages directly to Internet users.

For this to happen, it is enough that the person who visited a certain site accepts to receive these notifications, and it is not necessary to register emails or other personal data. That is, as much as the website or browser is not open, the notification is received.

Knowing this, it is possible to understand that web push can also be used by companies’ websites to increase sales. Therefore, this tool has an importance, often underestimated, believing that only news sites can use it.

With web push notifications, a website can communicate with its visitors instantly and in a personalized way. In other words, it is possible to increase engagement, making the visitor return to the site to read new articles or, later on, execute the purchase.

How to sell more using web push using mobile device

How to sell more using web push – use on mobile devices

Use on mobile devices

In addition to use in browsers, it is also possible to send notifications on mobile devices. That is, the operation is exactly the same, however, the notification is sent to the smartphone or tablet, and not to a notebook or desktop.

Therefore, when a user visits a website on his cell phone and accepts web push notifications, whenever he opens the browser, he will receive the message. Remember that this is not the same as the so-called mobile push.

Push mobile notifications are linked to the functioning of applications installed on the device in question. Just to illustrate, notifications from social networks that appear on the smartphone screen can be cited, even if the app is closed.

These are two separate things, and using web push for sales is not like mobile push notification.

Web push in e-commerce

Namely, web push notifications can be used on websites to improve sales. In that case, the notification can be sent to a computer or mobile device, without the need to create an application.

Through web push notifications, it is possible to inform customers when new products are registered, as well as new promotions or temporary discounts. In addition, there is also the possibility to segment visitors based on their interest and activity.

This makes notifications more effective, just sending the message to things that the user may be interested in. This way, you avoid annoyances and advertisements that, instead of helping, end up disturbing the company.

Still, the webpush tool can also be used by companies that do not work exclusively with e-commerce. Stores and physical establishments can also use this tool to attract the public to their sales locations.

how to sell more using web push improve sales

how to sell more using web push – improve sales

How to improve sales?

As mentioned, the use of web push to improve sales can be a factor of great importance for companies. Every time a user accesses a website, a message opens asking for permission to send notifications.

Thus, when a user accepts these notifications, he will be directly connected to the site through his device, whether it be a computer, tablet or cell phone. This generates several possibilities, mainly with the segmentation of tastes and interests.

In this sense, the user interested in black social shoes may only receive notifications of products similar to this one. In other words, when new colored sneakers are registered, that user will not receive these notices, as they are beyond their interest.

Therefore, the main possibilities for applying web push notifications to increase sales on websites will now be described. The ways to apply are:

  • Announcements of new products;
  • Promotions;
  • Abandoned cart notifications;
  • Update clients;
  • Attract unregistered users.

In this way, each of these items mentioned above will be addressed in order to inform the reader how to apply these possibilities on his own website and convert it into more sales.

New Product Announcements

This is undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to attract customers to the site and improve sales. According to the interests of the user in question, sending web push notifications is a way of calling you to purchase, always arousing curiosity.

Customers generally like news, especially those who already know a certain company or brand. Therefore, it is extremely important to notify the client, making him feel important, in addition to indicating what he likes.

This is also a great alternative for cases when the stock runs out and more customers look to the site for purchases. When more products arrive, the customer will be notified, thus increasing the chances of selling. The same goes for similar products.


Sending promotions notifications to customers is one of the best known ways to call the public. Thus, when a user is notified of a discount on a product he is interested in, the chances of selling are much greater.

Combined with this, marketing triggers can be used, as is the case with flash promotions. In this sense, anxiety is aroused in customers, making it easier for them to accept receiving web push notifications.

By informing the right customers about certain promotions, the chances of selling increase, as well as the indications about the website in question. In other words, this generates indirect disclosure among the public, which indicates a website because of its promotions.

how to sell more using web push promotions

how to sell more using web push – promotions

Notifications of abandoned cart

Whenever a customer adds a product to the cart and, for some reason, does not complete the sale, he will be notified. That way, just send the notification a few minutes after abandoning the cart, which can happen for several reasons.

With this application, sales are prevented from being lost due to events like the internet crash or whatever the distraction is. In other words, the web push is able to attract more customer attention, unlike the emails sent in these cases.

In this sense, the customer ends up seeing the email of the lost cart much later, which favors the change of ideas and loss of interest. With more immediate notification, the chances of saving the sale are greater.

Update clients

By updating information, the customer has a better quality service experience. That is, whenever a user receives web push notifications about the delivery status of a product, this generates greater satisfaction.

Likewise, it is possible to use notifications to notify delivery times and other information regarding the order. This generates greater confidence in the website, contributing to the image of the brand and the company.

Because of this, indirect marketing will treat more customers, since this is a form of differential, when it comes to online sales. The possibilities for using the update with these notifications are diverse.

Attracting unregistered users

On online sales sites, it is common for unregistered users to do research and even add products to the cart, without finalizing the purchase. Therefore, it is possible to notify these anonymous customers about the products that they have shown interest in.

This is, without a doubt, one of the most interesting options, since the reach of the site is not limited only to customers who have registration. This helps to increase engagement.

Through web push notifications, it is possible to make calls for the customer to complete the purchase, register or learn about similar products. In other words, with this type of strategy, the company acquires a new way of attracting attention.

Final considerations

Namely, the use of web push notifications on a company’s website allows customers to receive information in real time, in a personalized way. This segmentation can be done through several parameters, such as interest, location or behavior.

However, using this type of notification manually may require continuous and overwhelming attention. A good alternative for this is to employ the automation of web push notifications, customizing them according to the client’s segment.

Thus, the possibilities of using notifications end up making it an even more productive and effective tool, making life easier for the company. With that, the site becomes even more reliable, saving the continuous work on top of that.

In short, through web push notifications, a company’s sales can be exponentially enhanced, improving user awareness and engagement, easily and automatically. This is undoubtedly one of the factors that can make a difference in the organization’s competitiveness and in how to sell more using web push.

The effects can be felt at different points, be it in marketing and advertising or even in billing and cash flow, mainly by automating this tool. Thus, the web push can be that watershed in the service.

These notifications, in addition to offering a better consumer experience, can also facilitate internal sales and management processes. So it is important to analyze and learn how to sell more using web push.


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